there's a spiritual solution
to every problem

AWAKEN the Divine Feminine

Change is the hallmark of midlife.

Change requires us to make new choices.

Are you seeking more confidence and clarity ?

We begin from a state of inner peace and calm.

Awakened Awareness

Awakened Awareness brings focus to the habitual thoughts and feelings that occupy our minds throughout the day.

We become conscious of our patterns that either pull us back into the past or push us into and imagined future
Seeing brings freedom.

Balance the Breath

As we bring focus and attention to the breath and learn to modify our breathing , we begin to slow down our busy mind. We engage the subtle divine energies and
activate the energy vortexes that connect us spirit, soul and body.

Conscious Connection

Life is a field of consciousness. Our connection to ourselves, to others and to the Divine is the inner key to creating expansion and grace in the outer.

Here's a proven path to find the confidence and clarity that we all seek as we face the multiple changes and challenges of midlife.

Rev. Dr. Patricia Keel - Your Guide
I live my life and I teach what I call Practical Spirituality. It's the application of deep wisdom and guidance that we each source from within as we connect with our Divine, our Higher Soul Self, God, Spirit.

My spiritual tool box includes meditation, metaphysics, and mystical practices.

Peace comes. Healing happens. Life flows. Won't you join me?

Unplug from the material world and awaken to the divine within.

Our Challenges may be different...

But we all have access to a powerful inner connection with the Divine.
It is that connection that brings us wisdom, guidance and solutions to life's challenges.

Are you in a challenge of change?....How are you coping?

Perhaps your body is changing and you feel less resilient
your children have moved out and no longer require your daily mothering

you feel a inner longing to change careers, to leave a job, or to reinvent yourself

your close relationship with a partner may be challenging as you both change and age
Aging parents require your support, your time and your care
You have concerns about your future and your finances


You've come into your power and wisdom after years of caretaking

You have the possibility of finding the inner strength and clarity
to support you in any challenge that arises in life.

Take that first step...It's as easy as A B C

It's your divine soul journey - discover your best self.

Copyright - patriciakeel2023